Celestial University

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Celestial University is a fun, new spin on the Pursuit of Excellence program for the Relief Society. We all have things we've been meaning to do. New things to learn, ways to be more self relient. Why not do the things we've been meaning to do, and have lots of fun doing it together?

There will be many different majors to choose from. Things like learning to sew, fall under the Home Economics degree; while rewriting your resume would be Career Development. There are lists of goals for each major, allowing you lots of variety. You will also be minoring in several subjects, so there will be lots of diverse things to do.

Once you have finished your goals, you will report these to the professor of that major. If you have general knowledge about the majors offered, we are looking for professors and would love for you to sign up. If you know how to sew, it would be great if a sister to ask you for advice or turn in her finished project for sign off!

This is also going to be a great way to introduce the YW into RS, since it falls in line with their Personal Progress!

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